While most visitors to this site will know exactly why our logo is what it is, some may not. For them here is a brief explanation:
In the English legal system, documentary evidence that is to be presented to the court is usually brought together as a “trial bundle”. In practice this is usually just one or more ring binders or lever arch files. Traditionally, an advocate (a barrister or, in some cases, a solicitor) would prepare or be given a brief containing the necessary information to prepare for trial. The brief would be tied up with a ribbon. Red is the traditional colour of the ribbon (hence the phrase “cut through the red tape”), although white ribbon is used (less and less often) when the instructions come from the Treasury Solicitor. In the past, green ribbon was used for affidavits.
A link to a useful article is given below.
Preparing a court bundle A general introduction for the lay person on preparing trial bundles from the web site for “Dedicated”, the Legal Secretary Journal.